Final publications – project results
Press release (8/1/2015)
Biodiversity needs bold policy and stringent implementation (en)
La biodiversité a besoin d’une politique courageuse et d’une mise en oeuvre rigoureuse (fr)
La biodiversità necessita di una politica coraggiosa e di un’attuazione rigorosa (it)
Biodiversität braucht mutige Politik und stringente Umsetzung (de)
Biotska raznovrstnost zahteva pogumno politiko in prepričljivo izvajanje (sl)
- Final booklet: Connecting mountains, people, nature – Shaping the framework for an efficient European biodiversity policy for the Alps (English, printed and download): This publication gives an overview on the project results.
- Policy recommendations:
- Staking a claim for nature – Policy recommendations for the Alpine Space (available in 5 languages, printed and download): This publication recommends ways in which decision makers can implement biodiversity policies more effectively.
- Votum für die Natur – Politische Empfehlungen für den Alpenraum (in 5 Sprachen, gedruckt und download): Diese Publikation spricht Empfehlungen dazu aus, wie Entscheidungsträger Strategien zum Schutz der Biodiversität effektiver umsetzen können.
- Revendiquer pour la nature – recommandations politiques pour l’Espace Alpin (en cinq langues, imprimé et télécharger): La présente publication réunit des recommandations à l’attention des décideurs pour permettre de mettre en oeuvre plus efficacement les politiques en matière de biodiversité.
- Rivendicazione dei diritti della natura – Raccomandazioni politiche per lo Spazio Alpino (disponibile in 5 lingue, su carta e download): La presente pubblicazione riporta raccomandazioni relative alla modalità in cui i decisori possono attuare le politiche per la biodiversità in modo più incisivo.
- Uveljavljanje pravice narave. Priporočila za oblikovanje politik na območju Alp (na voljo v petih jezikih, tiskano in prenos): Publikacija vsebuje priporočila glede načinov, ki so nosilcem odločanja na voljo za učinkovitejše izvajanje politike na področju biotske raznovrstnosti.
- The EU Biodiversity Policy Landscape. Existing policies and their perceived relevance and impact in key sectors in the alpine region (English, printed and download): This publication identifies biodiversity-relevant EU policies and programmes, and potential gaps in policies and their implementation.
- Biodiversity Stakeholder Networks in the Alpine Space (English, download): This publication analyses the contact networks and involvement of stakeholders that are important for biodiversity conservation.
- Common Strategic Framework 2014-2020 & Biodiversity (English, download): This publication recommends ways of channelling funding into biodiversity conservation in the Alps within the EU Common Strategic Framework 2014-2020.
- Ten recommendations to the Alpine Space Programme (English, download): greenAlps formulates in this publication ten recommendations targeted at programme developers and Alpine Space Programme bodies to support the efficient implementation of biodiversity projects.
- greenAlps expert survey
- Jecami Guidelines
Printed copies from the above mentioned publications can be requested here
Articles on the project
- “In di Berg’ bin i gern. Alpine Vielfalt braucht Schutz” (de) article published in: Vetmagazin 14/04 on the project results
- “Connettività Ecologica e Servizi Ecosistemici: il progetto GreenAlps” (it) blog post about the project results written by our project partner
- “How Policies Can Enable Biodiversity– Conclusions of the greenAlps Project” (en, fr, de, it, sl) article published by the project partner ALPARC on the project results
- “greenAlps verbindet Mensch und Natur” (de) article on the project as well as interview with Helmut Kindle, Amt für Umwelt Liechtenstein published in: Zeitschrift der Monat, October 2014, pages 12-14
Final conference
Final conference documentation
Press release:
« Communiqué de presse (fr) » – conférence finale du projet greenAlps à Chambéry (13-15/10/2014)
Results of the stakeholder and trans-sectoral workshops organized by greenAlps:
> Cross-disciplinary exchange workshop: How to overcome gaps of implementing biodiversity in EU policies
– lessons learnt from transnational Alpine Space projects, Brussels/Belgium, 27 November 2014
The Alps and biodiversity conservation – What did we do? Be up to date: – The Alpine Convention and its ecological network platform – Lessons learnt from INTERREG IV B Alpine Space projects ECONNECT and greenAlps – paving future ways of cooperation by Dr. Yann Kohler, Alpine Network of Protected Areas (ALPARC)
Thinking in a Macro-regional context – the ecological network in and beyond the Alpine Convention – new ways of cooperation! by Dr. Guido Plassmann, Director of Alpine Network of Protected Areas (ALPARC)
The Political dimension: how to overcome the gaps in implementing biodiversity policy goals from regional to interregional level? by Univ. Prof. Dr. med. vet. Chris Walzer, Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology – University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
> Transsectoral Workshop: Successful implementation of measures to improve ecological connectivity: frame conditions at a regional level, Grenoble/F, 29 September 2014
Agenda greenAlps workshop Grenoble (en)
> Workshop – Eine Fläche muss vieles können: im Alpenrheintal gemeinsam Konflikte lösen, Mäder/Vorarlberg, 2. September 2014
Summary (en) – Sustainable spatial planning in the Alpine Rhine valley
Workshop-Bericht: Eine Fläche muss vieles können. Im Alpenrheintal gemeinsam Konflikte lösen
Bericht: Biodiversität und nachhaltige Raumnutzung im Alpenrheintal – Übersicht zum Stand der Dinge, CIPRA International
Präsentation: Erhalt der Biodiversität durch ökologische Vernetzung in den Alpen und im Alpenrheintal, Aurelia Ullrich-Schneider/Projektleiterin CIPRA International
Präsentation: Grenz- und fachübergreifende Zusammenarbeit zur nachhaltigen Raumnutzung rund um den Nationalpark Berchtesgaden, Teil 1, Teil 2, Michael Vogel/Direktor Nationalpark Berchtesgaden
Präsentation: Grüne Räume im Alpenrheintal für mehr Lebensqualität, Heiner Schlegel/RENAT AG
Präsentation: Von der Zersiedelung zur “Gartenstadt”, Mario F. Broggi/ehem. Direktor Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL
Bericht: greenAlps verbindet Mensch und Natur, sowie Interview mit Helmut Kindle, Amt für Umwelt Liechtenstein, Zeitschrift der Monat, Oktober 2014, Seiten 12 bis 14
> greenAlps trans-sectoral workshop: new co-operation perspectives in nature protection, tourism, agriculture and forestry, Salzburg, 3 June 2014
Presentation: The Alpine Space Programme 2014-2020, Martina Bach/Alpina Space Contact Point Austria
Presentation: BioAustria: nature and biodiversity conservation, Rudi Vierbauch/Bio Austria
Report (de), report (en) (extensive versions)
> Stakeholder Workshop: Biosphere reserves: an opportunity for regional ecological networks?, National Park Centre Molln, Upper Austria, 20 May 2014
> Stakeholder Workshop in Resiutta/IT on 27 May 2014 – Obstacles to ecological connectivity and ways towards more acceptance and cooperation
> Stakeholder Workshop in Bohinj/SI on 26 May 2014 – Ecological connectivity – challenges in cross-border cooperation
> Trans-sectoral workshop on spatial planning for ecological connectivity and sustainable use of natural resources, Bolzano, 15 May 2014
> “Building up on Alpine Space” – Capitalization of project results in the region Berchtesgaden-Salzburg and perspectives for the future, Berchtesgaden, 29 April 2014
Reports of site visits to pilot areas:
> Report pilot area Julian Prealps Nature Park
> Report pilot area National Park Kalkalpen
> Report pilot area National Park Berchtesgaden
> Report pilot area Triglav National Park
Project factsheet:
> FactsheetgreenAlps_slovenscina
Leaflets pilot areas:
> Leaflet pilot areas Julian Prealps Nature Park and Triglav National Park (it)
> Leaflet pilot areas Julian Prealps Nature Park and Triglav National Park (en)
> Leaflet pilot areas Julian Prealps Nature Park and Triglav National Park (sl)
Project logo:
> JPG – with claim – colour
> JPG – without claim – colour